there's one thing that turns a guy on, it's literacy! Don't believe
me? Then ask a sexy librarian. Of course she'll probably just shush
you, take off her glasses, then sloooowly take the bun out
of her hair as she climbs on all fours on top of her desk. It's kind of hard to get a
straight answer out of her. But trust me, reading a book in public is a
great way to meet a man... Just make sure to move your lips while
you read, so you don't look too smart and scare him off!
WARNING: Beware of nerds, if a guy starts bringing up metaphors or
symbolism, just fake diarrhea and get the hell out of there!
symbolism, just fake diarrhea and get the hell out of there!
I know what you're thinking, this sounds complicated. Leaving the house? Changing out of my sweatpants? Learning to read?
Well, don't worry you can also pretend to look smart online. Just take a photo of yourself reading a book and post it. This kind of profile pic says, "Me? I'm just as comfortable having a night on the town, as I am curled up on the couch with a good book!" I'll bet he's never heard anything like THAT before.
But what book? This is the fun part. Here's your chance to express yourself! Choose something that grabs his attention and gets the conversation started. The perfect icebreaker is a title that screams, "This is me, this is what I'm all about!"
I totally agree! When fishing for dudes in the library the Book "Women Are From Venus, Men Are From HELL" Would probably get you a lot of snags. Or you could just lose all tact and show half a nipple. Men can't see past half a nipple.